The Northern Lights Canadian National Conservatory of Music is proud to offer the Primary and Elementary Piano Pedagogy Diploma. This program helps candidates develop strong pedagogy skills and serves as a firm foundation for all new teachers. The curriculum is a five credit program combined with an additional forty hours of observation time with an experienced teacher.
Prerequisites Grade eight piano and theory Co-requisites Grade nine piano, theory and history
Lesson Observations Credits one through four each require ten hours of documented observation time with an experienced teacher. Candidates must complete lesson observation before taking each practical credit.
Certificates & Diplomas Certificates will be awarded after the successful completion of each individual credit. A Diploma will be awarded after the completion of all five credits.
Description Primary Piano Pedagogy I Primary Piano Pedagogy II Elementary Piano Pedagogy I Elementary Piano Pedagogy II Written Paper
Total Mark 100 100 100 100 100
Minimum Mark 70 70 70 70 40
* Credit 1 to be successfully completed prior to application for credits 2 to 5 Repertoire Selections Repertoire may be selected from any source. Candidates will be required to offer polished performances and be prepared to discuss pedagogical issues concerning the repertoire.
Written Paper Candidates may take the written examination at any time. Time Limit The time limit for completion of all requirements will be five years from the date of the candidate's first examination.
Handbooks Candidatesmust purchase and complete the exercises in the Canadian National Conservatory of Music handbooks for each of the credits one through four.
Examination Schedule Credits one through four must be completed in order.