The Northern Lights Canadian National Conservatory of Music was founded in February 2002. Founding members were inspired to produce programs of study serving the needs of Canadian music teachers and their students. Northern Lights Canadian National Conservatory of Music currently hosts examination centres from coast to coast.
Operated by a team of volunteer professional, CNCM is the fastest growing conservatory in Canada. Traditional teaching approaches are blended with newly developed ideas to offer holistic pedagogical tools which will raise the level of musical standards throughout our country.
Our members bring a vast wealth of experience, ethics and skill to the programs they have developed and continue to develop. They are highly recognized in their fields as composers, editors, examiners, workshop clinicians, adjudicators, teachers, pedagogues and concert artists.
Bringing Music & Culture to All Canadians
With its innovative approach to music education and a mandated focus on promoting Canadian content and bringing music and culture to rural environments, CNCM stands apart from other national conservatories. Through its diverse programming, publications and events, CNCM engages students of music from young beginners to seasoned teachers.
In fostering a strong domestic music industry, CNCM connects composers with teachers and students with performers through interactive programs such as Composers & Kids. This program actively promotes and develops Canadian content through its growing body of publications.
We currently have examination centres across Canada and the list is growing!