The Northern Lights Canadian National Conservatory of Music is proud to offer the only Early Childhood Music Education Diploma. This program helps candidates develop strong pedagogy skills necessary to effectively deliver music classes and serves as a firm foundation for all new teachers. The curriculum is a five-credit program combined with an additional fifteen hours of lesson observation time with an experienced group style teacher.
Prerequisites Grade 8 Theory CNCM Co-requisites Grade 9 Theory CNCM Certificates & Diplomas Certificates will be awarded after the successful completion of each individual credit. A Diploma will be awarded after the completion of all five credits. The Five Credits are as follows
Description Practical Piano Proficiency Philosophy/Psychology of Learning Suzuki & Kodaly Methods Dalcroze & Orff Methods Course of Choice/Development of Own Program
Total Mark 100 100 100 100 100
Minimum Mark 70 70 70 70 40
* Credit 1 to be successfully completed prior to application for credits 2 to 5
Time Limit The Early Childhood Music Education Diploma must be completed within five years from the date of the candidate's first examination. Handbooks Candidates must purchase and complete the exercises in the Northern Lights Canadian National Conservatory of Music handbooks for each of the credits three through five. Handbooks two through four are to be submitted to the examiner for marking purposes and will be returned to the candidate with the examination results. Handbook Five must be submitted with the application form to be marked prior to the practical examination. Examination Schedule Credits must be completed in numerical order.
Minimum Age Restriction 18 years
Download a free copy of the Early Childhood Music Educator Diploma Syllabus (PDF: 16pg / 128KB)